The Pros and Cons of a Snow Thrower vs. a Snow Blower

When it comes to snow removal, landscapers and gardening enthusiasts have a big decision to make: Snow thrower vs snow blower. The two machines are similar in function but vary widely in terms of size, power output, ease of use and cost. To help you decide which machine is right for your needs this winter season, we’ve put together an informative guide with helpful tips on choosing the best equipment for your job as well as operating instructions for maximum efficiency and safety. We also address common issues that can arise when using these machines so you know what steps to take if something goes wrong. Finally, we share our top picks on where to find quality machines at affordable prices – saving you time and money!

Table of Contents:

Snow Thrower vs Snow Blower: What’s the Difference?

Snow throwers and snow blowers are two different types of machines used to clear away snow. Both can be useful tools for landscapers, gardening enthusiasts, and anyone else who needs to remove large amounts of snow from their property. But there are some key differences between the two that should be considered before making a purchase.

Definition of a Snow Thrower

A snow thrower is a single-stage machine that uses an auger to scoop up the snow and then throws it out through a chute at high speed. It’s best suited for light or moderate amounts of fresh, powdery snow on flat surfaces such as driveways or sidewalks.

Definition of a Snow Blower

A snow blower is a two-stage machine with an impeller in addition to the auger found in most single-stage models. The impeller helps move heavier, wetter snows more quickly than an auger alone can manage, making it ideal for larger areas with deeper accumulations like parking lots or long driveways.

Pros and Cons of Each

Bigger two-stage machines tend to cost more upfront than their smaller counterparts, but they offer greater performance capabilities which make them better suited for tougher jobs where time matters most – such as clearing commercial properties after big storms hit. This can save money in labor costs over time by reducing how often crews need return trips back out into cold weather conditions just because one pass wasn’t enough due lack of power from underpowered equipment.

When it comes to snow removal, understanding the difference between a snow thrower and a snow blower is essential. In the next section, we’ll look at factors to consider when choosing the right machine for your needs.

Key Takeaway: Snow throwers and snow blowers are both useful tools for clearing large amounts of snow, but they have different features that make them better suited to certain tasks. Snow throwers are single-stage machines best suited for light or moderate amounts of fresh, powdery snow on flat surfaces like driveways or sidewalks. Snow blowers are two-stage machines with an impeller that can handle heavier, wetter snows more quickly – making them ideal for larger areas with deeper accumulations such as parking lots and long driveways. They may cost more upfront than smaller models, but they offer greater performance capabilities which can save money in labor costs over time by reducing the need for multiple trips out into cold weather conditions due to lack of power from underpowered equipment.

Choosing the Right Machine for Your Needs

When it comes to choosing the right machine for your needs, there are several factors to consider. Size and capacity should be taken into account when selecting a snow thrower or blower. The size of the machine will determine how much snow it can handle in one pass. Smaller machines may not be able to handle large amounts of snow while larger machines can easily clear paths and driveways with ease. Power source options also need to be considered when making a purchase decision. Electric models tend to be quieter and more efficient than gas-powered models, but they have limited range due to their reliance on an extension cord or battery power. Gas-powered models offer greater mobility but require regular maintenance such as changing oil and spark plugs regularly. Cost comparison is another important factor that must be taken into consideration when selecting a machine for your needs; electric models tend to cost less upfront than gas-powered ones, however they may end up costing more over time due to higher energy costs associated with them. Finally, maintenance requirements should also be considered before making a purchase decision; electric models typically require less frequent maintenance compared to gas-powered ones which need regular servicing in order for them operate efficiently and safely over time.

Choosing the right machine for your needs is key to successful snow removal. With that in mind, let’s move on to learn about some tips and guidelines for operating a snow thrower or blower safely and efficiently.

Operating Tips for Maximum Efficiency and Safety

Pre-Operation Checklist: Before starting any snow thrower or blower, it’s important to perform a pre-operation checklist. This includes checking the fuel level, inspecting all hoses and belts for wear and tear, ensuring the chute is clear of debris, and making sure all safety guards are in place. Additionally, check that the machine is on a flat surface before operating.

Proper Clothing and Footwear Guidelines: It’s essential to dress appropriately when using a snow thrower or blower. Wear waterproof boots with good traction as well as gloves for added protection from cold temperatures. Also make sure to layer up with warm clothing such as hats, scarves, jackets, and pants so you don’t get too cold while working outside in winter weather conditions.

It is important not to overload your machine by attempting to clear too much snow at once, as this can cause damage both internally within the machine itself and externally if large chunks of ice are thrown out during operation. Therefore, it is best practice to start at one end of the area being cleared and work your way down towards the other end in overlapping passes until you reach your desired result.

By following the tips and guidelines outlined in this section, you can ensure your snow thrower or blower is operating at its maximum efficiency and safety. Now let’s move on to troubleshooting common issues with these machines.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Snow Throwers and Blowers

Clogged Chute or Impeller Problems: Snow throwers and blowers can become clogged with snow, ice, dirt, leaves, twigs and other debris. This can cause the machine to run inefficiently or even stop working altogether. To prevent this from happening it is important to keep the chute and impeller clear of any obstructions. If a blockage does occur it is best to shut off the machine before attempting to remove it manually.

Engine Starting Difficulties: When starting a snow thrower or blower for the first time in cold weather conditions there may be some difficulty getting the engine going. This could be due to an old spark plug that needs replacing or fuel not reaching the carburetor properly. It’s also possible that air has gotten into the fuel line which will need to be cleared out by running fresh gasoline through it until all of the air bubbles have been removed.

If you notice any fraying on the belts, cables or chains of your snow thrower/blower, they should be replaced as soon as possible to avoid further damage caused by them breaking while in operation.

When it comes to troubleshooting common issues with snow throwers and blowers, understanding the problem is half the battle. In our next heading, we will discuss where you can find quality machines at affordable prices.

Where to Buy Quality Machines at Affordable Prices

When it comes to buying quality machines at affordable prices, there are a few different options available. Local retailers and online shopping both offer their own advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into consideration before making a purchase. Additionally, manufacturer warranties and guarantees as well as financing options can help make the process easier for those on a budget.

Local Retailers vs Online Shopping: For those who prefer to shop in person, local retailers are an excellent option. Not only do they provide the opportunity to see the product up close and ask questions of knowledgeable staff members, but they also often have sales or discounts that may not be available through online stores. On the other hand, online shopping offers convenience since you don’t need to leave your home in order to browse products or make purchases. It is also possible to compare prices across multiple websites quickly without having to visit each store individually.

Manufacturer Warranties and Guarantees: When purchasing any machine from either a local retailer or an online store, it is important to check what type of warranty or guarantee is offered by the manufacturer. Many companies will offer extended warranties for additional protection against defects or damage caused by normal wear-and-tear over time. In some cases these may even cover parts such as belts, cables, chains etc., which could save money if something needs replacing down the line due to regular use rather than accidental damage covered under standard warranties/guarantees .

Financing can be another great way of obtaining quality machines at more affordable prices when compared with paying upfront costs in full at once. Some manufacturers may offer special financing deals directly, while others partner with third party lenders who specialize in consumer loans for large purchases such as this one; thus, it pays off to do research beforehand if you plan on taking advantage of such offers.

Key Takeaway: When shopping for a snow thrower or snow blower, it is important to consider both local retailers and online stores, as well as manufacturer warranties and financing options. It can be beneficial to take advantage of discounts available through local stores, extended warranties offered by the manufacturers, and special financing deals that may be available. Doing research beforehand will help you find the best machine at an affordable price.

FAQs in Relation to Snow Thrower vs Snow Blower

Which is better snow blower or snow thrower?

A snow blower is typically more powerful than a snow thrower and can handle larger amounts of heavy, wet snow. It also has an auger that helps break up large chunks of ice or packed-down drifts. On the other hand, a snow thrower is lighter in weight and easier to maneuver around tight corners or narrow pathways. It’s best suited for light powdery snows with less accumulation. Ultimately, your decision should depend on how much space you have available and what type of terrain you need to cover when removing the snow from your property.

Is a snow thrower worth it?

Whether or not a snow thrower is worth it depends on the individual’s needs and preferences. If you live in an area that gets heavy snowfall, then a snow thrower can be a great investment to help clear your driveway and walkways quickly and efficiently. However, if you only get occasional light snowfalls, then investing in a snow thrower may not be necessary as shoveling by hand may suffice. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and budget when deciding whether or not to invest in a snow thrower.

When should you use a snow thrower?

A snow thrower should be used when the amount of snow is too much for a shovel to handle. Snow blowers are ideal for clearing large areas quickly and efficiently, such as driveways or sidewalks. They can also help clear paths through deep drifts of snow. When using a snow thrower, it’s important to remember safety precautions such as wearing protective gear and keeping children away from the machine while in use. Additionally, check your local laws before operating a snow blower on public property or roads.

How much snow can a snow thrower handle?

The amount of snow a snow thrower can handle depends on the size and power of the machine. Generally, single-stage machines are designed to handle light to moderate amounts of snow up to 8 inches deep, while two-stage models can tackle heavier accumulations up to 12 or more inches. For larger areas with deeper accumulations, you may need a three-stage model that is capable of handling even greater depths. Ultimately, the best way to determine how much snow your machine can handle is to read the manufacturer’s specifications.


In conclusion, it is important to understand the differences between a snow thrower and a snow blower before making an investment in either one. Both machines can be used for clearing snow from your lawn or driveway, but each has its own advantages and disadvantages that should be taken into consideration when choosing the right machine for your needs. Be sure to read up on operating tips for maximum efficiency and safety, as well as troubleshooting common issues with both types of machines. Finally, make sure you purchase quality products at affordable prices from reputable retailers. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to choose the best option between a snow thrower vs snow blower that meets all of your winter weather needs!

Are you a lawn care professional struggling to manage the winter weather? Are you looking for ways to make snow removal easier and more efficient? Look no further than Lawnvana! Our tips, tricks, and strategies will help ensure your lawn remains in top condition year-round. Whether it’s deciding between a snow thrower or blower, our experts can provide all of the information necessary to make sure that you are using the best tools available for each job. Don’t wait any longer; get started today with Lawnvana so that your clients receive only the highest quality service!