5 Ways to Make Your Indoor Pool Landscape Pop

Creating a stunning indoor pool landscape requires careful consideration and planning. There are many factors to take into account when designing your ideal outdoor space, from choosing the right plants to adding lighting for nighttime ambiance. If you’re looking for inspiration on how best to transform your backyard oasis with indoor pool landscaping ideas, then look no further! In this blog post we’ll explore different strategies such as selecting appropriate foliage, designing an aesthetically pleasing layout and creating privacy around the area – all of which will help create an inviting atmosphere that is both beautiful and functional. Whether you’re a gardening enthusiast or professional landscaper, these tips will give you plenty of creative ideas for making the most out of your home’s outdoor living spaces!

Table of Contents:

Choosing the Right Plants for Indoor Pool Landscaping

When selecting plants for an indoor pool landscape, it is important to consider the climate and sunlight of the area. Plants that thrive in warm temperatures with plenty of direct sunlight are ideal for this type of environment. Examples include tropical plants such as palms, hibiscus, bougainvillea, and jasmine. It is also important to select plants that can handle moisture levels from splashing or evaporation from the pool. Succulents and cacti are excellent choices due to their drought-tolerant nature.

In addition to choosing plants that can withstand harsh conditions, low-maintenance varieties should be considered when designing an indoor pool landscape. These types of plants require less upkeep than other varieties and can survive in harsher environments without much attention or care. Examples include aloe vera, agave, yucca, sedum and lavender which all need minimal watering once established in the soil.

Key Takeaway: When designing an indoor pool landscape, it is important to choose plants that can handle the warm temperatures and direct sunlight of the area. Low-maintenance varieties such as succulents, cacti, aloe vera, agave, yucca, sedum and lavender are ideal for this type of environment since they require minimal care and upkeep.

Designing an Aesthetically Pleasing Layout

When designing an aesthetically pleasing layout for your indoor pool landscape, it is important to consider texture and shape when selecting plants. Incorporating colorful foliage and flowers can add a vibrant touch to the area while utilizing different textures of plants can create visual interest. Additionally, creating a balance between soft elements such as flowers and hard elements such as rocks or gravel will help create a unified look that is both attractive and functional.

Incorporate Colorful Foliage and Flowers

Adding color to your indoor pool landscape design with foliage and flowers can make the space more inviting. Consider incorporating annuals like petunias or impatiens for bright pops of color throughout the season, or perennials like coneflowers or daylilies which come back year after year in varying shades of pink, yellow, purple, white, blue and orange. For added texture choose flowering shrubs like azaleas or hydrangeas which bloom in springtime but also provide lush green foliage all summer long.

Utilize Different Textures and Shapes of Plants

Using different shapes of plants helps bring depth to your landscaping design by adding dimensionality to flat surfaces around your pool area. Taller trees such as maple trees are great for providing shade during hot summer days while shorter shrubs like boxwoods are perfect for edging along pathways or walkways near the pool area. Grasses are another great way to add texture with their wispy blades swaying in the breeze while ground covers like ivy offer lush coverage without taking up too much vertical space.

Create a Balance Between Soft and Hard Elements

Adding mulch around flower beds creates an even surface that makes mowing easier, and it helps retain moisture in the soil so you don’t have to water them as often during dry spells. Meanwhile, stones placed strategically throughout garden beds help prevent weeds from growing out-of-control and give off a natural earthy vibe that blends well with other plantings nearby.

Key Takeaway: Creating a balanced and aesthetically pleasing indoor pool landscape design involves incorporating colorful foliage and flowers, utilizing different textures and shapes of plants, as well as creating a balance between soft elements such as flowers and hard elements like rocks or gravel. This can be achieved by: • Incorporating annuals for bright pops of color • Planting perennials in varying shades • Utilizing flowering shrubs for lush green foliage • Adding tall trees for shade • Using shorter shrubs to edge pathways or walkways • Incorporating grasses for texture • Planting ground covers without taking up too much vertical space • Adding mulch around flower beds to retain moisture in the soil• Placing stones strategically throughout garden beds

Creating Privacy Around Your Indoor Pool Area

Creating privacy around your indoor pool area is essential for ensuring a peaceful and relaxing atmosphere. Planting hedges or bushes along boundaries or near windows can be an effective way to block views from neighbors or streets. These plants will also add texture and color to the landscape design, making it more aesthetically pleasing. Installing trellises with climbing vines or other greenery is another great option for extra coverage while adding a decorative touch to the space. Consider using flowering vines such as jasmine, clematis, wisteria, or honeysuckle for added beauty in addition to providing additional privacy. Placing planters with taller plants nearby can further increase privacy levels in this space; some good options include trees like evergreens and bamboo which are both fast-growing and low maintenance varieties that provide excellent screening properties.

Spotlights are also great additions for highlighting special features such as waterfalls, statues, and ponds. This creates a beautiful ambiance after dark without compromising on security measures within the space. Solar-powered lights are energy efficient and cost-effective solutions that can be used along pathways, steps, and other areas of interest in the landscape design for safety purposes as well as aesthetic appeal.

Adding Lighting to Enhance Your Landscape Design at Nighttime

Adding lighting to an indoor pool landscape can create a beautiful atmosphere and provide safety benefits at night. Solar-powered lights are energy efficient and cost effective options for this purpose, as they require no additional wiring or electricity costs. Place lights along pathways, steps, and other areas of interest in the landscape design for both aesthetic appeal and safety purposes. Spotlights can also be used to highlight special features such as waterfalls, statues, or ponds in the landscape design.

For example, solar-powered path lights can be placed along walkways leading up to your pool area to illuminate the way while adding a decorative touch with their warm glow. You could also install spotlights near any water features you have installed around your pool area like fountains or small ponds which will draw attention to them during nighttime hours when people are using your outdoor space. Additionally, installing motion sensor floodlights on walls or posts near entry points into your backyard is another great way to add security while providing illumination when needed most.

When selecting lighting fixtures for your indoor pool landscaping project it’s important that you consider factors such as wattage output (for brightness), color temperature (warm vs cool tones) and IP rating (waterproofing). Make sure all fixtures are rated for outdoor use so they can withstand exposure from weather elements like rain and snow without becoming damaged over time. It’s also important that you choose bulbs with long lifespans so you don’t have to replace them often due to burnout or breakage from extreme temperatures outside.

Finally, make sure all electrical connections are properly sealed against moisture intrusion by using waterproof sealant tape before connecting wires together. This will help ensure safe operation of all light fixtures throughout the year without risk of electric shock hazards due to wet conditions outdoors caused by rainstorms or sprinkler systems running nearby.

Key Takeaway: A key takeaway from this article is that adding lighting to an indoor pool landscape can create a beautiful atmosphere while providing safety benefits. To do so, consider factors such as wattage output, color temperature and IP rating when selecting lighting fixtures. Additionally, make sure all electrical connections are properly sealed against moisture intrusion with waterproof sealant tape for safe operation of the light fixtures throughout the year.

FAQs in Relation to Indoor Pool Landscaping Ideas

What can I put around my pool to look nice?

Adding plants and foliage around your pool can help create a beautiful, natural look. Hardy shrubs such as boxwood, holly or yew are great for creating privacy and adding texture to the area. For added color, consider planting flowers like impatiens, begonias or petunias in pots near the edge of the pool. Ornamental grasses also make an attractive addition to any landscape design and provide a soft contrast to hardscaping elements like pavers or stone walls. Finally, don’t forget about trees! A few small trees with colorful leaves will add height and interest to your outdoor space while providing shade on hot summer days.

What are the cons of an indoor pool?

Indoor pools can be expensive to install and maintain. They require a great deal of energy for heating, ventilation, and dehumidification systems. Additionally, indoor pools may cause an increase in humidity levels within the home which can lead to mold growth or other issues with air quality. Lastly, indoor pools often have limited space compared to outdoor pools and are more prone to chlorine buildup due to their enclosed environment.

How do you landscape around a pool on a budget?

Creating a beautiful landscape around a pool on a budget can be achieved with some planning and creativity. Start by assessing the area, taking into account any existing features such as trees or shrubs that you can use to your advantage. Choose low-maintenance plants that will thrive in the environment and won’t require too much upkeep. Consider using mulch or rock for ground cover instead of grass which requires more maintenance and water. Utilize outdoor lighting to highlight certain areas, like pathways or seating areas, without breaking the bank. Finally, add personal touches such as planters or birdbaths to give it an extra special touch!

What can I put around my pool instead of grass?

There are a variety of options for landscaping around a pool instead of grass. Artificial turf is one option that requires little maintenance and looks great year-round. Paving stones, gravel, or pebbles can also be used to create an attractive look with minimal upkeep. Planting beds filled with drought-tolerant shrubs and perennials can add color and texture without the need for mowing or watering. For those looking for something more unique, consider adding decorative rocks or even incorporating a water feature into your design!


Creating an aesthetically pleasing and functional indoor pool landscape is a great way to add value to your home. With the right plants, design layout, privacy elements, and lighting, you can create a beautiful outdoor space that you will enjoy for years to come. Whether you are looking for simple indoor pool landscaping ideas or more complex designs, these tips should help get you started on the path towards creating your dream backyard oasis.

Are you a lawn care professional looking for ways to make your clients’ indoor pools look their best? Look no further! Lawnvana is here with all the tips and strategies you need to create stunning, low-maintenance landscapes that will wow your customers. With our advice, you’ll be able to keep up with the latest trends in landscaping and design an outdoor oasis that everyone can enjoy. So don’t wait – take advantage of Lawnvana‘s expertise today!