5 Ways to Repel Flies This Summer

Flies are a nuisance that can quickly become overwhelming if left unchecked. Whether you’re dealing with flies in your home, business or garden, it’s important to take steps to repel them and prevent their return. There are several ways to repel flies, from natural repellents such as herbs and essential oils, to chemical repellents available for purchase at local stores. If all else fails, professional extermination services may be necessary. In this blog post we’ll explore the various methods of how to effectively repel flies so that you can enjoy your outdoor spaces without these pesky insects buzzing around!

Table of Contents:

Identifying Flies

Flies are a common nuisance and can be found in many different environments. Identifying the type of fly is important for effective control. There are several types of flies, including houseflies, fruit flies, drain flies, and cluster flies. Houseflies have gray bodies with four dark stripes on their thoraxes and measure about 6-7 mm long. They feed on decaying organic matter such as garbage or animal waste and can carry diseases like salmonella or E coli. Fruit flies are small (2-3 mm) tan to yellowish insects that feed on ripened fruits and vegetables as well as fermenting liquids like beer or wine. Drain flies have moth-like wings with fuzzy bodies measuring 4-5 mm long; they breed in moist areas like drains where there is an abundance of organic material to feed upon. Cluster Flies are larger than other species at 8-10mm long; they typically live outdoors but may enter homes during the winter months seeking warmth from the cold weather outside.

Types of Flies

There are several types of flies commonly found indoors or outdoors including houseflies, fruit flies, drain flies, and cluster files which vary in size from 2 – 10 millimeters in length depending on the species. Houseflies have gray bodies with four dark stripes on their thoraxes while fruit files tend to be smaller (2 – 3mm) tan to yellowish colored insects that prefer ripened fruits and vegetables over other food sources such as garbage or animal waste which housefiles usually consume instead.. Drain files have moth-like wings with fuzzy bodies measuring 4 – 5mm long; these pests breed in moist areas such as drains where there is an abundance of organic material for them to feed upon while cluster files tend to be larger than other species at 8 – 10mm long; these pests typically live outdoors but may enter homes during colder months seeking warmth from the cold weather outside .

Common Habits & Behaviors

Flies generally exhibit similar behaviors regardless of species although some habits may differ slightly between each type due to differences in diet preferences etc… Generally speaking all fly varieties will seek out food sources whether it’s rotting meat/fruits/vegetables/garbage etc…and lay eggs near those same sources so that when larvae hatch they’ll already have access to plenty sustenance nearby allowing them grow quickly into adults capable of reproducing more offspring thus perpetuating infestations further still if not addressed promptly by pest control professionals . Additionally all fly varieties possess short lifespans ranging anywhere from days up until a few weeks maximum making them highly prolific creatures able reproduce rapidly given optimal conditions .

Signs Of Infestation

Knowing the types of flies and their common habits and behaviors can help you identify an infestation before it gets out of hand. By taking preventive measures such as keeping doors and windows closed, installing screens on openings, and regularly cleaning the exterior of your home or business, you can help to reduce the chances of a fly infestation.

Key Takeaway: Signs of a fly infestation can include: – Sightings of flies in or around the home. – Presence of larvae, eggs, and other debris near food sources. – Unpleasant odors coming from drains or other moist areas where flies may breed. It is important to identify the type of fly present so that an appropriate control strategy can be employed for effective management. Different types of flies have different habits and behaviors which must be taken into consideration when attempting to repel them from your property.

Preventing Flies from Entering Your Home or Business

Keeping Doors and Windows Closed: The first step in preventing flies from entering your home or business is to keep all doors and windows closed when not in use. This will help to limit the number of entry points for flies, as well as other pests. If you have a screen door, make sure it is properly installed and that there are no gaps or holes where insects can enter. Additionally, consider installing weather stripping around the edges of your doors and windows to further reduce the chances of fly entry.

Installing Screens on Openings: Installing screens on any openings such as vents, chimneys, skylights, etc., can also help prevent fly infestations. Make sure that these screens fit securely over the opening so that they do not come loose or allow insects to pass through them. Additionally, check regularly for any signs of damage such as tears or holes which could provide an easy access point for flies into your home or business premises.

Finally, trim back shrubs and trees near entrances so that there are fewer places for flying insects to hide during daylight hours when they are most active outdoors.

Preventing flies from entering your home or business is key to keeping them away. Natural repellents can be a great way to supplement these preventive measures, so let’s explore some of those now.

Key Takeaway: In order to repel flies, make sure to keep all doors and windows closed when not in use, install screens on any openings such as vents or chimneys, and trim back shrubs and trees near entrances. These steps will help reduce the number of entry points for flies into your home or business premises.

Natural Repellents for Flies

Essential Oils: Essential oils are a great natural repellent for flies. Some of the most effective essential oils include lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass, peppermint and citronella. To use essential oils as a fly repellent, simply add several drops to an oil diffuser or spray bottle filled with water and mist around your home or business. The scent will help keep flies away without any harsh chemicals.

Citrus Fruits and Peels: Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and limes can be used to repel flies naturally. Simply cut up the fruit into small pieces or slices and place them in areas where you’ve seen a lot of fly activity. You can also try using citrus peels by boiling them in water on the stovetop for 10 minutes before straining out the liquid into a spray bottle that you can then mist around your home or business to help keep flies away naturally.

Herbs and Spices: Herbs like basil, rosemary, sage and thyme are known to have strong scents that many insects find unpleasant – including flies! Try placing potted herbs near windowsills or doorways to deter flying pests from entering your home or business premises. Alternatively, you could mix dried herbs with some warm water in a spray bottle for easy application around entry points such as doors and windowsills too!

To use garlic cloves as a natural fly repellent at home or work, simply mince up two to three cloves per cup of warm water before straining out the liquid into a spray bottle. This can then be misted around entry points such as doors and windowsills.

Using natural ingredients like essential oils, citrus fruits and peels, herbs and spices, or garlic cloves can be an effective way to repel flies. For more advanced solutions, chemical repellents such as insecticides and pesticides or fly traps may also be necessary.

Key Takeaway: Using natural repellents is an effective way to keep flies away from your home or business. Essential oils, citrus fruits and peels, herbs and spices, and garlic cloves are all effective in deterring flies. To use essential oils as a fly repellent, simply add several drops to an oil diffuser or spray bottle filled with water and mist around your home or business. Citrus fruits can be cut up into small pieces or slices and placed near areas of fly activity. Herbs like basil, rosemary, sage and thyme can be potted near windowsills or doorways for added protection against flying pests. Finally garlic cloves can be minced up in warm water before straining out the liquid into a spray bottle which should then be misted around entry points such as doors and windowsills.

Chemical Repellents for Flies

Chemical repellents are a more powerful option for controlling fly populations around your home or business. Insecticides and pesticides are the most common chemical options used to repel flies. These products contain active ingredients that kill or repel insects, including flies. They come in various forms such as sprays, baits, dusts, and granules. Sprays can be applied directly to surfaces where flies congregate while baits can be placed strategically around the area to attract and eliminate them. Dusts and granules should be spread evenly over lawns or gardens to create an invisible barrier against flying pests like flies.

Fly traps are another type of chemical repellent for flies that use bait to lure them into a container filled with insecticide-laced water or sticky glue boards which trap them inside until they die from dehydration or starvation. These traps work best when placed near windowsills, doorways, porches, decks, patios, garages and other areas where there is high fly activity. It’s important to remember that these traps will only catch adult flies; larvae must still be treated with insecticides if present in large numbers on your property.

Before purchasing any products containing insecticides or pesticides for fly control purposes, it is important to check local regulations as many states have laws regulating their use. Additionally, when using any kind of chemical product it is essential to read all instructions carefully before applying it as some may require protective clothing such as gloves and masks due to their toxicity levels.

Chemical repellents are an effective way to repel flies, but it is important to use them responsibly and with caution. Professional extermination services offer a more comprehensive solution for larger infestations of flies.

Professional Extermination Services for Flies

Professional extermination services can be a great way to quickly get rid of a large number of flies in a short amount of time. There are several benefits to using professional extermination services for flies, including the use of specialized equipment and expertise that can help ensure complete eradication. Professional exterminators also have access to more powerful insecticides and pesticides than those available over-the-counter, which can be used safely when applied by an experienced technician.

Benefits of Professional Services: Hiring a professional exterminator has many advantages over attempting DIY methods or relying on over-the-counter products alone. Professionals have access to more effective insecticides and pesticides that may not be available at your local store, as well as specialized tools and techniques for identifying fly infestations and eliminating them completely. Additionally, professionals are trained in safe application practices so you don’t need to worry about any potential risks associated with handling these chemicals yourself.

Cost Considerations: The cost of hiring a professional exterminator will vary depending on the size of your property, the severity of the infestation, and other factors such as location or accessibility issues. Generally speaking however, it is usually cheaper in the long run to hire an expert rather than trying DIY solutions or purchasing multiple cans of bug spray from your local store each month only for it not work properly due to improper application technique or lack thereof..

Professional exterminators will know how best to apply these products safely while still achieving maximum effectiveness against pests like flies. They should also provide instructions on how best to avoid contact with these substances during their treatments, so that you remain safe throughout the process.

Key Takeaway: Professional extermination services are the most effective way to get rid of a large number of flies in a short amount of time. Benefits include: – Access to specialized equipment and expertise – More powerful insecticides and pesticides than those available over-the-counter – Trained professionals for safe application practices – Cost savings compared to DIY solutions or multiple cans of bug spray from store each month.

FAQs in Relation to “Ways to Repel Flies”

How do you repel flies quickly?

There are several ways to repel flies quickly. One of the most effective methods is to use an insecticide spray or fogger containing pyrethrin, permethrin, or deltamethrin. These products will kill adult flies and help keep them away from your lawn. Additionally, you can also try using citronella candles or torches around the perimeter of your lawn to naturally repel flying insects. Finally, make sure that all trash cans and other sources of food waste are sealed tightly so that they don’t attract flies in the first place.

What is the best home remedy to get rid of flies?

The best home remedy to get rid of flies is to use a mixture of apple cider vinegar and dish soap. Fill a shallow bowl with equal parts apple cider vinegar and water, then add several drops of liquid dish soap. Place the bowl near areas where you have seen flies congregating. The scent of the vinegar will attract them, while the dish soap will trap them in the solution so they can’t escape. Empty and refill as needed until all flies are gone.

What is the best repellent for flies?

The best repellent for flies is a combination of physical barriers, such as screens and window coverings, and chemical solutions. Chemical solutions include insecticides that contain pyrethrins or pyrethroids to kill adult flies, as well as larvicides to prevent larvae from maturing into adults. Additionally, natural repellents like citronella candles can be used in outdoor areas where flies are present. It’s important to remember that all repellents should be used according to the instructions on the label for maximum effectiveness.

What things do flies hate?

Flies have a strong dislike for certain smells and tastes. Common repellents include essential oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus, citronella, lavender, lemongrass and clove. Additionally, flies are also deterred by other scents like garlic or vinegar. To create an effective barrier against flies in your yard or garden area, try mixing any of these ingredients with water and spraying it around the perimeter of the area you wish to protect. You can also hang fly strips or use traps that contain bait to lure them away from your property.


In conclusion, it is important to understand the types of flies that are invading your home or business and then take steps to prevent them from entering. Natural repellents such as essential oils, citronella candles, and fly traps can be effective ways to repel flies. If these methods do not work, chemical repellents may provide more immediate relief. Finally, if all else fails, professional extermination services should be considered for complete eradication of the problem. By following these tips on ways to repel flies you can keep your lawn looking great!

Are you a lawn care professional looking for ways to repel flies and provide your customers with better lawns? Look no further! Lawnvana provides tips, tricks, and strategies that are sure to help you take the guesswork out of fly repellent solutions. With our comprehensive guide on how to prevent pests from invading your customer’s turf, we guarantee success in keeping their yard bug-free. Take action now by signing up today so that you can start providing top quality service tomorrow!